The HeartSoftball Story...

Not so long ago, our daughters were at their first large, regional tournament. We all were so excited. To commemorate this occasion, our girls wanted a softball T-shirt. There just happened to be a vendor right in the middle of the park. Image that! So, we walked over and to our surprise, they only sold baseball apparel at this softball tournament! How could that be? So, we promised the girls we would find something online and purchased an overpriced toy or two from other vendors.

After going home and searching the internet for nice quality softball shirts for our daughters, and maybe even some we could wear, we found there was no such place. Right then and there, we committed to creating a site for other softball fans, and so HeartSoftball was born.

We hope you share in our passion of Softball and wear with pride. It has now turned into a family affair, as our girls love coming up with new apparel ideas! 

From our softball family to yours, thank you! 

- HeartSoftball